Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)

PCIT is a specialized type of play therapy for families with children ages 2-7 who have behavioral problems and parent-child relationship challenges. This treatment involves Dr. Emily coaching you on Zoom while you engage with your child in play and discipline scenarios while you have wireless headphone in your ear. PCIT is supported by decades of research by child psychologists.

This treatment targets and improves the frequency and severity of tantrums, aggression/hitting, defiance, and refusal to listen. It also focused on other negative behaviors like whining, attention seeking behavior, hyperactivity, low attention span, low self-esteem, and poor social skills.

Ages 2-7 years

Recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics

In home therapy with live coaching via zoom for a total of 12-16 weeks**

Improvements in 2-3 weeks

(on average)

**Please note that this therapy requires the full treatment program of 12-16+ weeks. If you are not able to commit to this amount of time for any reason, Behavioral Parent Training will be a better fit. Please discuss your specific needs with Dr. Emily, and see Behavioral Parent Training page for more information.

Phases of Treatment

Phase 1: Child Directed Interaction (CDI)

The first phase improves your relationship with your child in a way that improves your child’s behavior. We can increase listening, attention span, whining, playing nicely, keeping hands to self, helpfulness, and completing tasks.

The goal of the first phase of treatment is to bring down the intensity of your child’s negative behaviors before we move on to phase 2, sometimes considered the discipline phase.

Phase 2: Parent Directed InteractioN (PDI)

The second phase improves your child’s listening when you tell them to do something. We can increase listening, compliance, and the speed at which they complete your requests including morning and bedtime routines.

The goal of this phase is to teach parents appropriate discipline strategies by teaching parents how to implement the correct, appropriate, and structured time-out procedure. We will teach you how to teach your child to stay on the chair, calm themselves down, and comply with the request.

We accept Aetna insurance

What does PCIT cost?

If using Aetna insurance: Your plan co-pay determines cost of each session

If self-pay: Treatment planning session, 30 minutes = $150

*Ongoing sessions, 60 minutes = $250

*For some families, the first 1 or 2 appointments of the discipline phase (PDI) go longer than an hour depending on the severity of the child’s behavior and defiance. If the first or second appointment goes longer than 60 minutes, the price of the session will be billed and prorated hourly but capped at 1.5 hours ($375). We will discuss further during the first treatment planning appointment to ensure understanding.

If using Step Up Scholarship: Price will be self-pay prices listed above but you are able to pay directly using your scholarship funds.

What do the appointments for PCIT look like?

  • Book your first appointment directly in our calendar using the BOOK NOW button. We will discuss your concerns and develop a treatment plan if appropriate.

    If you have Aetna insurance, please send a picture of the front of your insurance card to

  • Dr. Emily will conduct an intake interview where she will learn more about the strengths and challenges of our child and family. She uses this information to tailor the program to you.

  • In this appointment, Dr. Emily teaches you the strategies that you will be using in the first phase of PCIT.

  • The first phase of treatment lasts approximately 5 sessions depending on when the family meets criteria to move onto the second phase of treatment. Parent(s) and their child attend these sessions together and the parent receives live coaching from Dr. Emily via Zoom and wireless headphones.

  • Parents attend the second phase teach session where we will discuss in depth the strategies you will learn to implement in this phase including commands/instuctions and the timeout procedure.

  • The length of the second phase of treatment can vary depending on the child’s progress and the family’s deaication to home practice.

    Similar to phase 1, both the parent(s) and their child attend these sessions together and the parent receives live coaching from Dr. Emily via Zoom and wireless headphones.

  • Once families meet graduation criteria, parents and Dr. Emily decide when it is time to end therapy. We are dedicated to getting you results fast!

The search for help ends here.

Book appointment directly in our calendar using the BOOK NOW button above.