Behavioral Parent Training

Behavioral Parent Training is a type of behavioral therapy that teaches parents how to improve their child’s behavior, emotion regulation, and family relationships. Behavioral Parent Training is for children ages 4-12 years old. This treatment involves meeting with Dr. Emily on Zoom and she will teach you a structured and strategic program to improve your child’s behavior for good. Importantly, your child does not attend these meetings. Behavioral Parent Training is supported by decades of research and clinical trials by child psychologists.

This treatment targets and improves the frequency and severity of tantrums, aggression/hitting, defiance, and refusal to listen. It also focused on other negative behaviors like whining, attention seeking behavior, hyperactivity, low attention span, low self-esteem, and poor social skills. In terms of positive behaviors, we can improve helpfulness, listening, social skills, sibling behaviors, and overall mood and well-being.

Ages 4 - 12 years

Therapy recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics

Total treatment completed in 11 sessions**

(on average)

Improvements in 1 - 3 weeks

(on average)

**Please note that if, for any reason, you are not able to commit to the full program of about 11 sessions, please communicate this with Dr. Emily. We can tailor the program to fit as much as possible in a shorter program. She will work with you to best fit your families needs. Singular consultation appointments are also available.

We accept Aetna insurance

What is the cost?

If using Aetna insurance: Your plan co-pay determines cost of each session

If self pay: Treatment planning session, 30 minutes = $150

60 minutes = $250

*Ongoing sessions, 60 minutes = $250

How does it work?

  • Book your first appointment directly in our calendar using the BOOK NOW button. We will discuss your concerns and develop a treatment plan if appropriate.

    If you have Aetna insurance, please send a picture of the front of your insurance card to

  • Dr. Emily will conduct an intake interview where she will learn more about the strengths and challenges of our child and family. She will then dive right in and teach you the first two strategies that are the foundation of this program.

    Parent home practice assignments will be described and started right away.

  • Parents will then attend ongoing appointments which involves discussing home practice review, tailor strategies, and teach new strategies when parents are ready for the next step. We do not move on to the next strategy until parent(s) have practiced sufficiently. Sessions are conducted via Zoom.

    Number of sessions required varies but ranges from 8-14 weeks. Average sessions for clients until graduation is 11.

  • Once parents and Dr. Emily decide they have made enough progress and feel confident problem solving family challenges with the strategies taught, families will graduate from therapy.

    If family’s need future support, they are more than welcome to contact Dr. Emily again.

The search for help ends here.

Book an appointment directly in our calendar using BOOK NOW button above!