OUR philosophy

We take a nonjudgmental, collaborative, and data-driven approach when working with families

Megan GArcia, M.A., Executive assistant

Megan E. Garcia proudly obtained her Bachelor's degree from Florida State University with a major in psychology. She also earned a Master's degree in Family and Child Sciences from Florida State University. Both of these degrees have equipped her with insights into child development and behavior. While working as a counselor at the Summer Treatment Program at Florida International University, Megan discovered her passion for positively impacting children with disruptive behaviors. Assisting children's lives improve throughout treatment was truly gratifying to her. Now, as an executive assistant at the Center for Child Behavior, Megan is dedicated to ensuring clients feel valued and addressing their inquiries to enhance their therapy experience. Megan enjoys reading, connecting with nature, and cherishing time with her younger nieces and nephews!